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special needs iquana

21 15:02:42

We ended up with a rescued iquana. Following your advice on housing and feeding the iquana seems very healthy and happy.
The tail is missing. It looks like it was severed not dropped. S/he doesn't climb at all and it is hard to tell what is going on with her because she has no tail to swish around.
Can you advise anthing that might make her happier? She is very very tame! She also makes a little squeaky cry sound - I can't tell if she is just acknowledying phsyical contact or upset.

Hi Debbie,
First, a BIG THANK YOU for rescuing!!!!
It can take an ig several weeks to settle in to their new home...many times after they settle in they change their attitude also so don't be shocked if she turns out a bit feisty.
You don't say how old she is, or how big she is(mainly snout to vent length)which can make a difference on their activity level.
The noise you may be hearing can be a little hiss...some hiss for no reason..others do it as a warning. Pay attention to her head movements and her eye movements..and of course the look in her eyes..they tell lots about what they are "thinking".  Quick head movements are generally a "let me alone". Even though she has no tail, you can see see movement in what she has left.
Also, depending on her age,and size, its coming up on the time where females are gravid...and gravid females are generally more lazy in the beginning and closer to the time of egg laying, get more active... a very good place to read about egging in iguanas is at:  with the girls, many times when they have had poor care, they won't lay eggs, and then when they receive the proper care they decide to surprise you. Generally, females that are 10 inches in body length are able to produce eggs...this is usually a size they are between 18-24 months..
Give her time to adjust...keep her comfy, warm, plenty of uvb, a good diet and love and she will be very happy.
I would LOVE to see pictures of her!!!
If you would prefer to send the pics to me privately, you can send them to  
Seeing pics can help me give you a better idea as to her condition also.  If she was not vet checked prior to you getting her, it would be a good idea to have her checked out...