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Iguana Potty Training

21 15:03:08

Hi Diane, I have 2 green iguana's about 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 years of age in a very large tank that we built especially for them.  Over the last few months I noticed they have pretty much been using the same exact spot to do their business.  I was wondering if I could maybe use a kitty litter box, now I would think that traditional clumping kitty litter would not be so good for them, but what about the product "feline pine".  Would that be safe for them to use as a litter.  I use newspaper now, but I would like to do a better job of containing their droppings.  I appreciate your help.  I have written to you a couple times before on other matters and you have always been excellent in guiding me the the correct action.  Thanks in advance for all your help.  Lisa

HI Lisa,
You are very correct on the kitty litter.  The feline pine is just as dangerous though, as is any loose substrate.  They will lick at it,and smell it, which will all end up in their stomachs. That will lead to blockages and expensive surgery.
The most natural thing for an ig to go to the bathroom in is water. Its what I use in their habitats.  I also tub them several times a week.  If you are lucky, they will be content with just an inch or two of water in the pan.  I have one ig that insists that her pan needs to have about at least 4 gallon of water in it which is a real pain to pick up to empty.
As I said, hopefully yours are content with an inch or so in the litter pan!!! If they refuse to use the water(fingers crossed they use it) the only thing that would be even close to safe would be rabbit pellets...yep..rabbit food.  If they would eat those, it may dehydrate them a bit, but they should digest ok.  Of course they may crate a bacteria/mold problem as they won't do anything to prevent that.  Water is the best and safest. If they refuse to use it...let me know and I will see if I can possibly come up with some other safe alternative.
I'm glad I have been able to help you out and thank you for the nice compliment!