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2year old wild iguana

21 15:01:25

I have a Iguana male in the age range of 2 years and he is basicly not tamed at all. After i have caught him he does calm doewn eventually but i can't really let him go since he would bolt every chance he gets. i got him when was a few months old but had trouble making time for him while he was still young and now that i have the time to spend time with him he doesnt seem to be getting any tamer. He was the biting type since day  one and still is. Is he beyond taming at this age or do i still have a chance. I know i have alot of work ahead of me but i was just wondering if there are any tips. He is lank agressive and would take a swing at me every time i get near the enclosure. he eats well and is a all round a very healthy iguana but he is not quite a loving pet yet even though I wouldnt change him for any other. I got a female aswell but she isnt a problem at all she just tends to be a little jumpy on a bad day but allround she is perfectly fine. PLZ let me know of anything that can help the process. Thanx Shaun

Hi Shaun,
The truth is some iguanas never tame.  We need to remember that they are wild animals and many are hatched on Iguana farms which instills the natural instincts even more as they or the parents really get no human contact.
He really is young yet and if you keep working with him, he may calm down so that he can be handled. Even the tamest igs can take a long time to calm down.
There is a very good article on taming igs at  
The direct link to the taming section is:

I have 3 igs and each has their own personality. The youngest, a 5 yr old can act goofy at times but generally I can pick him up and as long as I don't try to hold on to him, he's fine.He will still bolt if given the chance.
I have a 6 yr old that would rather bite me than allow me to pick her up without a fight.  She is a big girl, about 10 lbs and very strong.  Then there is the 10 yr old that is pretty calm and tolerates about anything. She has been like that since she was about 6 months old. The 6 yr old, well it took til she was over 2 to settle at all and the 5 yr old would freak out when ever I went near his cage until he was almost 2 yrs old.
So you see, it can take time and lots of patience to get an ig that tolerates being handled.