Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > my ig

my ig

21 14:59:52

hey again my iguana is licking alot not his normal licking he is in the middle of shedding and maby he is just trying to get it off and there seems to be alot of spit

Hi Hunter,
Have you made the corrections I suggested in your igs care?  If you have, most likely what you are seeing is normal.  The more "spit" is most likely better hydrated... a good thing.  With the licking, again, if you made changes, he is smelling different things now.  That is how igs smell..they use their tongues, like a snake does. If all else is fine, chances are the things you are seeing are due to things that may have changed with his care..good changes!!!!  I like that you notice "little" changes such as you have mentioned here.