Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > i think my iguana broke his toe?

i think my iguana broke his toe?

21 15:01:51


his foot
i think my iguana broke his toe(back left foot "thumb") it's all twisted and looks a tad swollen.what should i do? leave it be or go see a vet? his toe is tiny a little bigger that a match.please advise


To be honest with you, broken toes are very common and happen to a large number of iguanas. I have had several of mine break toes in the past as well. I do not take them to the vet for that because all that would be accomplished is that they might give antibiotics to prevent a septic joint, but that is unlikely anyhow with a toe. Now, there is not much you can do, certainly it would be too costly and unnecessary to cast the toe, so unless you want to pay for that or get medicine to help your iguana's pain, it is probably unnecessary to go. Keep an eye out in the future that the toe doesn't become black in color because sometimes iguanas can develop dry gangrene especially in tails and toes after breaks, but again, I have never had this happen.
Be sure you are giving your iguana UVB so that his bones aren't brittle and prone to breaking because iguanas need UVB to digest calcium. Check your bulb and if it is only UVA, upgrade immediately to a bulb with both or buy a separate UVB bulb.

Good Luck!

Sara J Gwerder
Raptor Rescue Iguana Sanctuary
Shreveport, LA