Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > Ursula Wheezing?

Ursula Wheezing?

21 15:01:05

QUESTION: Today I let Ursula out for a little free-roaming time since I thought that might help her attitude and color a little.  I put her in the bathroom while I got ready this morning and it's so quiet in there that I noticed something I've never seen before.  It sounds like Ursula is wheezing!

I listened to her for a long time (as she sat on my back right next to my ear).  She takes one long breath that sounds like a hiss and then her other breaths are quieter but I can still hear them.  It sounds like when a person has a cold and when they breath through their nose it whistles.  That's what she sounds like.  No open-mouth breathing.

What is going on with this crazy kid?

PS. after free-roam time she got a little crazy and refused to be content inside her cage.  She pushed on the wire mesh so hard that she tore off some scales around her eyes and started bleeding =(.  There's got to be something I can do to keep her content until I can build/buy her a bigger habitat.

ANSWER: Usually when they have a URI they will have a nasal discharge (not the normal clear snalt they sneeze out) that is thick and colored. Mine have whistled wheezed when upset or stressed.  I would keep a real close eye on her for any changes in nasal discharge. If it gets color or thickens, or if she acts lethargic, I would get her vet checked for a URI. Too low of temperatures can cause the upper respiratory infections. With infections, you may even be able to feel the wheezing in their chest.
If you are able to set her up somewhere as a free roamer, that may make her really happy and content.  Many times, even if you just leave their cage door open, they will roam a bit and go back in their cage to bask and get uvb.
You can use Neosporin ointment on her boo boos from the cage wire.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much, Diane.  I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but Ursula's starting to really worry me.  

I haven't heard her wheezing again, but this morning I put her food out and she seemed very interested, but when she got down to her plate she coughed 5 or 6 times and then walked right over to her water bowl and sat in it looking very dark brown and sullen.  =( I've never heard her cough before.  I was wondering if she inhaled some of the acidophilis powder I've put on her salad, but she was coughing, not sneezing, and when I saw how dark she was I thought it was probably because she isn't feeling well.  She is not sitting up as if she's having trouble breathing.  

Her basking temp is now 94-99 and I'm misting her more frequently now.  She didn't get free-roam time yesterday because I was working all day while it was light out.  Her humidity is still only 40%.

I'm taking her to school with me today for my teacher to look at her.  What can we do for a respiratory infection?


ANSWER: Hi Jess,\Its good you are talking her in today.  FOr an infection the usual treatment is baytril antibiotics...Usually 7 days(double check this) of the injectable or 14 days or more of the oral form.
With the acidophilus, and any other time actually, you should be misting her food heavily.  That way she is getting water and of course any dry medications are also wet.  You put the meds on after misting the greens.  
Raising the temperatures(which you have already done)...but raise the temps a few degrees in other areas which she is sick is also good to do.
If you can't get a warm mist humidifier (about $30) in wal mart, then you can get the steam vaporizer which costs about $12.  With the steam vaporizer, you can put it on the outside of the cage and direct the steam vapors into the cage. The easiest way to do this is with a large plastic cup taped to where the steam comes out..they you cut a oval shaped hole at the upper side of the cup.  Always make sure the steam is not too hot where it enters the cage.
You are right that with her color being even darker, she isn't feeling well.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She was very good when she got her sutures taken out today and she donated a fecal sample as well, lol.  

The fecal showed pinworms (which I already knew she had) and cryptosporidium.  I guess crypto is pretty bad in snakes but I don't know anything about it in reptiles.  

The vet and I gave her some oral rehydration and we're both going to do a little research on the crypto.  If she's bad tomorrow I'll bring her back in for more hydration and then again on thursday definitely.  

Do you know anything about cryptosporidium in igs? Treatment?

Hi Jess,
Geez, she is being your nightmare ig for sure.
I really don't know anything about the crypto but there is some info on line at  Also, if you have access to Maders Reptile Medicine and Surgery Book 2nd edition, there is discussion of it in there.  Pg 760 discusses some experimental treatments, which may be available by now. There is a Yahoo email group called ADVANCED IGUANA CARE which you might want to consider joining as there are people there that have dealt with the crypto.
Pinworms are always in igs..they need to maintain a low level for proper digestion.  The trick is to keep them at a low level.
Hers may be a bit higher as stress is one of the factors that can cause an overload.