Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > swimming


21 15:02:35

can we let our 6ft iguana swim in our pool. we live in the desert and the back yard seems like a great place for him to sun himself however it does get up to 115 how hot do htey like it and how often should we let him out?

Hi  Shaun,
Yes, he can swim in your pool...its best if the chlorine isn't overpowering of course...  its best to "tub" your ig first so he can drink and "poop" in stead of in your swimming pool.  If your pool has a liner, do keep in mind their claws. Also, remember, they are fast and can swimm super fast...just amazing to watch them swim!!
Regardless of when your ig is outside, be sure to provide a tub of cool water and plenty of shade. With the temps you have, its vital that your ig isn't out during the hottest part of the day and when he is out, you need to be sure to provide the above. You also want to provide areas that he has filtered sun, along with full shade as he needs the uvb for his health.
When its 115 outdoors, he will overheat very a matter of minutes.  Even at 70-75 degrees in full sun they can overheat. Again, you don't want him out during the hottest part of your days. Before 10 am and most likely after about 2PM (you know the hottest parts of your days better than I do)would be the best times for him, but again, you must keep a very close eye on him and provide plenty of filtered sun and full shade.
Remember, they are rain forest reptiles and need to have that is to have a garden hose  on a mist or even a sprinkler for him....deserts and igs...not a good combo, but we can work around that with the sprinklers and shade.