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Taming my iguana

21 15:00:21

Hi diane. I bought a baby iguana about two months ago. He is eating all his greens and veg in large amounts and is very healthy. We have the correct lights and a larger cage than is actually needed. My question is what are the chances of him becoming less tame as he sexually matures and how can i deal with that? As he has become quite tame and i can hold him for a long periods of time without him changing colour or puffing up. He also stays calm if he sees my face or hears my voice. I would appreciate your help as i have made so much progress with him and dont want to lose that. Thanks.

Hi Courtney,
Great to hear your lil green monster is doing well.
If your ig is a baby, still under a yr of age, it is very hard to tell 100% the sex so you MAY have a female.
Not all male iguanas turn into monsters during breeding season.  I have a 7 year old male that is fine all the time, regardless of the time of year.  I also have a 9 year old female that the ONLY time she is not a aggressive monster IS during breeding season... then I have the 12 yr old female that never changes her personality year round.
With yours being an "only child" he/she may maintain that wonderful attitude you now see.  Continue to handle him/her as you have been.  Do be alert for any mood/attitude changes so that you can protect yourself IF breeding season does become an issue.  
Only time will tell if there will be issues and if those issues will be a problem.