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iguana spikes

21 15:00:34

Hey, so I noticed that there was a lot of unshed skin stuck on my iguanas spikes. The problem is most definitely humidity, we recently moved and it has taken me awhile to properly set up her habitat and keep her in the proper location. Without really thinking, I applied mineral oil the other day and bathed her in warm water, today I gently rubbed a couple off and then got carried away and pulled more than a few... in my infinite wisdom, I think I broke some of her spikes, they were originally straight and very firm, now they are extremely flopping. I felt like crying for the damage I had done, will her spikes recover? and is there anything other than mineral oil and a warm bath that can help her to shed more efficiently? Thanks!

Hi Jordan,
Some iguanas just have a hard time shedding spikes for some reason, even when humidity is correct. I generally apply some vaseline to my one ig that is a problem shedder on spikes. Mineral oil is also fine as are baths of course.
When I see that a shed is about to take place, that is when I start with the vaseline or mineral oil. It seems that when we try to help shed them off, they tend to lay down for a few days but most times will pop back up.  Some igs just have heavier spikes that do tend to lay down more than stand straight up, unless they are trying to look tough that is, then they seem to be able to make them stand straight up.
If the tips were broken off a bit, it can go either way... some of the tips will grow back over time but some will just stay with a broken tip.
I've found that when they are having a problem with the spikes, that if you kind of squeeze them very, very gently after a few minutes of applying the oil, between your fingers(fingers placed on sides of spike_/\_/\_/\_/\_ place fingers where the _ are) Hope this makes sense!!  Basically, sides of spike not the front and back.