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I think my iggy has mites but im not sure

21 15:03:25

ok my iggy is about a year and a half 4 feet and 5 lbs ruffly. Lately I've seen more what almost look like frecles appearing on the hind legs and back. I know alot about iggys but ive never encountered mites before. HE seams to have a slight less appetite than normal but his fesise looks the same as always. He keeps shaking his head like a dog, kinda like when you blow in there ear, basically like somethng is tickling his head or neck. Ive done research on the mites but i cannot find anything that resembles one on him please help me and drake he is my baby and i know mites can kill i dont wanna loose him.  thank you Josh

Hi Josh,
Mites are pretty tiny and you might not even be able to see them easily. When you bathe him, mites will either fall off and you will see them in the water or they will move to an area that is not in the water such ash his head.
Are you sure the head shaking isn't  a shudder bob that an ig does as a warning?  Is he scratching his head at all with his feet or rubbing his head against things?  The best way to see mites is with a magnifying glass... Don't forget that if they are actually mites that the whole cage needs to be treated.  Your ig is at the age where they start to develop more coloring in their bodies.   With the product below, if you choose to treat him even if you aren't sure there are mites, it won't hurt him in any way at all.
A mite is tiny, tiny, pin point size.   If that's what you saw, there is a product called "Reptile Relief" made by the company 'Natural Chemistry' which is sure to follow the directions on the bottle.  Its available at many of the larger pet stores.
With other bugs, and also mites, they can be caused from using loose substrates(bedding) in the iguanas cage.  Those products can harbor insects, mites and bacteria plus they can be deadly to an iguana due to accidental ingestion. If its either mites or another insect, you can treat with the above product and remove the loose substrate.  More information in the care sheet below. If they are regular insects and not mites(based on size) chances are they are in the substrate, or..if you brought a branch in from outdoors without properly treating it.
All items brought from outside need to be cleaned well before placing them in the cage.  To clean them, there are a few methods: to wash in a bleach solution of 1/4 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water.  Let them soak for about an hour, rinse them in hot water several times and then let them dry in the sun until completely dry. If the items are small enough, they can be baked in an over at 200 degrees for about 2 hours, check often to be sure they are not starting to burn.  The items can also be boiled(simmered) for 30 minutes or so and then allowed to dry completely before placing in the tank.  I also suggest washing any pet store items such as caves, rocks, branches, etc before placing in the tank as that if the store would happen to have mites they can also be on the items we purchase. Any of the above methods are acceptable for cleaning.

 Its normal for igs to go off food a bit this time of year, especially with season changes.  If its changed greatly then I do recommend a vet check up to be sure there is not another cause for the less eating....also..are you sure your ig is a male?   This is the time of year when many females begin to prepare for egg laying.  If you want more info on that, let me know.