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Iguanas and night time heat/light

21 15:01:23

Hello, I am visually impaired and had to go to petco to purchase a new night bulb for my iguana as it had burnt out. When I got home I took a closer look at the bulbs and realized they gave me a blue day light halogen instead of a night time halogen... So my question is since the blue light bulb is 50w and not too bright will this disturb or disrupt my igs day/night cycles?

The light keeps her warm but am concerned it will disrupt her cycles. Thanks in advance.

Hi Jason,,
The blue day light will disrupt your igs night time hours.  At night, they should have darkness.  Some igs are ok with the moonlight or other night bulbs and some really even stress with those.  The best for night time heat are the ceramic heat emitters or the heat projectors. Both last for about 5 yrs or more and produce no light, only heat.