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male igs behavior

21 15:01:26

I have a male iguana of about a year old. Hes never gaven me any problems since i got him as a two month old but, the other day he was roaming around my room like i usually let him do and when i tried to pick him up to put him in his cage he started giving me all these crazy signs of intimidation, and for the first time he leaped for my hand and gave me a bite, the bite didn't hurt but he was obviously trying to. Is this behavior going to continue or worsen?

Hi Jesse,
Your question really can't be answered 100% as there is really no way to know what his temperament is going to be. They are wild animals and we do need to keep that in mind.
At his age, he is thinking he wants to be the boss...he may also be a bit older than you think and may be showing signs of breeding season behavior. Continue to pick him up, handle him, etc but as always, be careful as they are very fast and can cause damage with a nasty bite.
You can try a pair of goat skin gloves...they are super thin and don't stick out like a sore thumb on your hands.
What I do with one of the igs get unruly is to hold their back against my stomach/chest with one hand on the area at their hind legs and the other hand on the area of the chest at the front legs.  Do be careful if you are short or if your ig is big as this can(if you aren't careful) put their mouth not far from your chin.  With this hold, I hold them fairly tight for several seconds or until they settle.  Basically, its telling your ig that he may THINK he is tough, but you are still tougher and the boss.
Many igs have seasonal bad attitudes. Some have bad attitudes all the time.  I recommend keeping a journal of your igs behavior...eating, attitude, pooping, etc.  This way you can refer to the journal when your ig does something to see if there is a pattern there as to time of year, time of day, etc. Also, silly things hair cut/style, glasses, different, none, etc..perfume, deo, clothing. Many igs get crazy with white, bright green or orange clothes and bold prints.  Did you possibly have some color on that may have upset him?  Greens, oranges, tend to look like another big tough iguana to our igs.