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Iguana tail breaks

21 15:01:23

I have a 3 foot iguana and it appears her tail is broken (discolored, Limp and a lump above this area) my concern is that the skin is not broken. Will the skin break on it's own, or will she need help from a vet with this? Thank you.

Hi Stephanie,
I answered your question yesterday but have no idea where it went or why it never posted.
With the things you are describing, its really not normal with a tail break.  The discoloration may be dry gangrene from lack of blood supply.  The lump may be a tumor, abscess or tissue.  As to the skin breaking on its may, but..its recommended to have a vet check out what is going on as infection can form very quickly and involve more of the tail and even the whole iguana.
The vet may choose to try treating with oral antibiotics or may recommend the tail be amputated and then oral antibiotics given.  Depending on the age of your iguana and how far up the break is, the tail will grow back, of course not as nice as the original would be.
Do get him to a vet so that any further damage can be prevented.  To find a vet that can treat reptiles:

Again, I am sorry that my reply got lost in space yesterday morning.