Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > weird noises?

weird noises?

21 14:59:56

i don't know if i was sleeping and its normal, but it seems that my iguana is snoring. last night i noticed he was clicking in his sleep and, i wanna say sneezing, its like hes blowing a snot rocket. and something i found weird cuz i never heard it before. he would lift his head, open his mouth, and make a noise that sounded like a very small cat meow. i dont know if hes done it before, its while were in bed. is this normal or should i get him a check up?

Hi Layla,
It sounds like your ig may have a respiratory infection. He needs to see a vet and the sooner the better.  Do make sure his temperatures in his cage are correct. Basking area in the upper 70-s to low 80's and overall temps upper 80's.  Also, try to give him warmer temps at the upper 70's to low 80's.