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my 4 year old iguana

21 15:00:31


godzilla our 4year old
me and my fiancee purchased a 4 year old male iguana and she loves this iguana to death.she babys this thing to death and i try to hold him and he does not like me at all i try to dominate him because i read that male iguanas can be agressive towards other male humans.i just want to know if its ok to pamper your iguana and what i could do to get our iguana to trust me.

thanks Josh

Hi Joshua,
If the ig is willing to be pampered, thats wonderful!! Many igs prefer to just be left alone so the fact that Godzilla enjoys the holding, etc, count yourself lucky.
Many igs do have a preference with not only human sexes, but particular people. It sounds like Godzilla has bonded with your fiancee already. She does need to be careful though.  If this is a recent purchase(and even with iguanas that have been with people for years and years) he may just be settling in and isn't sure to everything yet. The are wild animals so respect and caution is needed.  They should not be put up by your face as you never know when they may decide to bite..and they can bite..very severely.
Some male igs prefer female owners..some prefer male owners...same with female igs.
As to him getting better with try to be the one to feed to him and just get him used to you being around.  You don't want to force him to be submissive with you..but by the same token, you don't want him to get away with thinking he is boss over you.
When you are with him, try being at his level..not above him which can scare him and make him try to get away from you.  Allow him to climb on you...your always be on guard though so he doesn't run up and try to bite your face.
In time, he may come to accept you as he has your fiancee, or he may learn to tolerate you...and sorry to say, he may always see you as a threat and a person he just prefers lets him alone.  Time and patience is what it takes.
When males go through breeding season, they can be extremely aggressive..also, when its that time of the month for a woman..male igs(and even female igs) can change their attitude toward that person.  They have also changed their attitudes when a woman is pregnant..the best way to learn all these things is to just watch how the iguana acts to things and keep a record of all of it.  they can also react to certain colors, perfumes, glasses, hair styles and when people change any of those things.  Yep, they can be tough to figure out..thats why record keeping can really help understand them.
Cute pic..he does look very relaxed and comfortable!