Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > bugs on my pet

bugs on my pet

21 15:00:20

What should I do if there are small red blood sucking bugs on my iguana?

Hi Maranda,
It sounds like your iguana has mites.  You need to treat your iguana with medication to get rid of the mites.  The cage and everything else in the cage also need to be treated.  Generally, 2-3 treatments are needed.  The best product I've found for mites is called REPTILE RELIEF made by the company called "NATURAL CHEMISTRY" The product is 100% organic and is very safe when used as directed.  It is available at most pet store chains.  
Be sure to treat the temporary housing you use after you have had your iguana in there while treating the main cage.
Be sure to follow package directions.  I do recommend that you give your ig a bath prior to the treatments as bathing will remove SOME of the mites.