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He Went Crazy Overnight

21 15:00:24

I've had NickaDemous, a green iguana, now for 3 years this past May. He was only the size of my thumb when I purchased him from a very dirty pet store. I did not realize he was ill when I purchased him. (black fungal and bacteria on scales, dehydration, anemia, etc..very pale lifeless and close to death) My  exotic veterinarian explained to me he may have problems and would not grow properly and may be smaller then normal because of this..he should be twice the size he is...He is about 15 lb, maybe, and the body is approx. 16 -18 in. not including his tale.  But since I treated him as a baby he's been in great health and is very normally sweet, I even used to take him to a school with disabilities knowing he would be okay and would not injure the children if they grabbed or hit him (which never happened btw)...that is until yesterday. Yesterday I was terrified of him and I've never been before. He went crazy in his cage (which right now is only a black wire dog cage-I am almost finished with his 6 x 6 x 3 1/2ft. enclosure) Since it is the 4th of July weekend, I was on the phone with 2 different ER vets that said differently...And I would like help before I make a decision to euthanize him if I have to.
The day went like this: He sleeps in our bathroom, either on a padded shower curtain rod or shelf with no night heat, bathroom about 74-77, took him to his cage and discovered his 50 watt basking light burned out...About an hour later, he was given his food...which is exactly what you speak of under "diet"..nothing different so far. later after doing some chores and getting ready to go to the pet store to buy another bulb, I had just left his room (which is his room) and about 3 minutes later I heard him just go crazy..Running in circles almost flying in his cage. He injured in face doing this, cracking his scales apart and ripped some of them off..I tried to calm him down by talking to him, but he was out of control. I left him then to go get his bulb, thinking that it really was not such a good idea to leave him as long as I did without it, especially since he ended up laying in a puddle of cool water from his pan he'd knocked over and poo. By the time I got back with the light, he was going crazy still so I let him out thinking he would not hurt himself as bad in the room...but, not the case..he was charging into the walls as if he could not see them. His eyes were an expression of terrified and he acted as if everything in the room was out to get him. Jerking and taking off, trying to run up the walls even.. I took the cage apart to clean it and left him while I called the ER vets. He finally hid under a couple of empty boxes on the floor and went to sleep, I left him and closed the door.
He usually goes through mating season the beginning of the fall and has not change color at all. He is shedding, and I mist him often during this.
One vet said it may be seizure, the other was concerned about the temperature and mention the uv...he is next to a window, but it was not opened and has not been for a few days. I admit, I forgot about too much uv light and leave it on until he goes to bed at 7 pm. Today, I really thought he was back to normal and thought maybe he only got too cold. He's still looking as if he is terrified and I can sense his restlessness ( this happened about the same exact time as it did yesterday 11am-ish). I've been talking to him and letting him out as much as I can today, but he is still jerking and taking off and doesn't really look at me, one minute he is okay, the next I'm scared..He was acting like he was trying to claw his way out of the bedroom wall, sweeping his head body back and forth as if there were no where else to go but through the wall. I then had to put him back in his cage because I could not stand to watch. It's like he's not our NickaDemous anymore. I know how he acts when I ovulate or menstruate, and it was not that. I don't know what has happened..there were no injuries prior to this that I know of. His diet is the same, his temperature lights have been the same. I can understand maybe he was left in his cage too long, but I've had to do this in the past for a week or so at a time and he's never reacted this way before. He crawls as if he's swimming on the floor when he was walking in the room also. I cannot think of anything else. Any advice would greatly be appreciated, this with what ever my vet says will help if I really do have to put him to sleep. Thank you

Hi Jo,
Isn't it a great feeling when you have taken a poor ig from deaths door and helped them become a stunning adult creature?  
They really can't get too much uvb(unless a incorrectly manufactured bulb) be it from a uvb tube, bulb or the sun as long as they are allowed to regulate how long they are in it.(shade, able to move away, remember, with uvb tubes, once they are more than about 10 inches away, there is really no uvb). Also, uvb from the sun does not penetrate through glass.
It is possible that it is an early breeding season.... has his colors changed to his breeding season colors?
Its also possible that something in his room scared him such as seeing a mouse, a shadow, or even a large bird(or something) outside his window...and yes, it is possible it is being caused by a tumor or a neurological problem.
If it is a breeding season issue, some people have had some success with neutering the males.
If it is a health issue, then of course an x ray or other tests will be needed to find the cause.
If there is any way to pad his cage or lower part of the walls, you may have to do that until you can get a real cause of his actions. I would also provide a hiding area for him that he can feel secure in even if its a box with a blanket over it so that he can really hide in it.
Some of the jerking can be caused by a lack of calcium or even a very high level of calcium..again, a vet is needed to do bloodwork to see if it is an imbalance somewhere in his blood.
You do need to be very careful around him and when ever you are with him always carry a large towel or blanket that you can just throw over him if the need arises.
Please, I am interested to hear what a vet says if you do x rays and bloodwork.
Personally, the only time any of my igs has gone bonkers as your boy has is when they were scared by something..even though it was something as simple as a loud noise, or seeing a different person.