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Iguana Diet

21 15:03:00

I have a 2+ year old male iguana. I follow the MK salad and greens
recommended diet for him. In the summer I like to grow food for him such as:
dandelion, mustard, collard, and mature alfalfa. I also supplement his diet in small
amounts, with grape leaves, sugar maple leaves, day lily flowers (bloomed and un-
bloomed "buds"), and grass (I believe it is called quack grass). I do not use sprays
or fertilizers, and I am careful about where I select these "supplements", avoiding
run-off from other land owners. (I guess they aren't really supplements in the
normal sense, I'm just trying to keep him from getting bored with his diet.) Do you
see any problems with the extra foods I am feeding him in addition to the
recommended MK salad and greens? Thanks.

Hi Cruise,
Its fine to feed those things as long as they are in a small amount on occasion...and mixed in with their good staple greens.
Here is a really neat link that has even more links to plants, etc...based on tortoises, so be sure to double check any plant toxicity to iguanas before feeding to the ig.
I've also picked some raspberry leaves and strawberry leaves(wild) for the green Kids.