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iguana mites

21 15:02:26

Can people be affected by iguana mites?

I Clark,
No, humans cannot be affected by reptile mites but...a human can carry them from one reptile to another.(from handling a mite infested reptile and then handling another) Its important to treat the iguana and the cage, and all that is in the tank.  The best and safest product I have found  is called REPTILE RELIEF made by the company called NATURAAL CHEMISTRY.  Ifs important to treat everything(ig, cage, cage items) 2-3 times.  When treating the ig, move him to another cage, treat him, then is original cage, and every thing in it..rinse it well, make sure all is dry, then put your ig back in his original cage and then treat the temporary cage and everything in it...
Follow the directions on the container. Reptile Relief is  found in most larger pet stores such as Petco.