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gunea pigs being in heat

21 13:46:03

ok so it will be two months in a couple days that my gunea pig will be that old i bought him or her a month ago and the person tht assited me said that he or she was to young to be sexed so i just bought it well today i come home to find that right by the butt area was really swollen and seemed to have some stuf coming out well i was wondering if this is a sign of my pig being in heat because i have read other places that they can come in heat this early or is something seriously wrong this pig is also in a cage with another i think full grown pig it was given to me and i also dont know the sex of this one either because i dont know how to tell please help im very worried about my pig

well guinea pigs come into maturity between 3 to 6 weeks, also you can usually sex them from day one.

by the sounds of it i think your guinea pig may have an anal impaction, the only other possibillity, though very unlikely is that is is a troubled birth. either way if this is not seen to promptly your pig is likely to die.

all you can do is take them to a vet, and the vet can tell you the sex of them as well. the sooner this is done then the better.

sorry i cannot help more but given the possible seriousness timing is everything and a vet is the quickest and best option. best of luck