Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > gerbils i really need help

gerbils i really need help

21 11:50:42

hello i am in need of help i just went out and go a gerbil for the first time my room is in a basement and he was active intill i took the cage downstairs it is cold down here and i was woundering if its bad for gerbils to be in cold areas? or is it maybe sick  

Yes, the room needs to be quite warm, around 21 - 27 degrees Celsius is best for them. If it becomes too cold, they will go into hibernation, which is not good. He needs to be somewhere warmer, but not with a source of artificial heat, such as a radiator. The whole room should be warm enough, not just the area he is in. Until he is moved, he will be quite lethargic, and may go into hibernation mode.

Best wishes,