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Dog was trained incorrectly.....

18 18:01:10

I have recently taken in my sister in laws dog.  She is a Bull Dog / German Shepard mix.  She was trained to go to the bathroom on wee wee pads, and didn't take the dog out very much at all.  She is almost 8 months old and is pretty big. I would hope to somehow stop her from going to the bathroom in the house.  The only problem is when I walk her outside she is so excited to be outside that she does not do her business.  Then after her walk she will come back in and pee on the wee wee pad!  How can I stop her and teach her to do her business outside?

I'd make sure there are no pee pads on the floor in the house (or throw rugs, dirty clothes or other things she might mistake for pee pads. Supervise her carefully and make frequent trips outside - treat her like an unhousebroken puppy and get her out more often than she needs to go. Keep a journal of when she goes, and you'll soon see her pattern (provided she gets regular meals and not just the food dish left down - that makes it really hard to predict when she'll need to go)  Take a pee pad, and a bag to put the used one in, with you on walks and put it down outside for her to use. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT