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corgi food

19 11:15:58

i have a corgi that is overweight. i have tried several foods, both "natural" and low calorie. he either doesn't like the taste, or he develops hot spots on the tops of his feet. i have heard that corgi's shouldn't eat certain foods like peas etc.  are there certain foods this breed should stay away from? most "diet" foods cause this problem. thanks so much! sincerely Diane

Find a good food that he likes and which doesn't cause him problems. I recommend you check out one of the Eagle, Canidae, Wellness, Solid Gold, or Flint River Ranch products. Most diet products contain a lot of fiber and grains; possibly he is allergic to something there. Look for a product that has as few ingredients as possible... such as a duck and potato diet. I cannot speak as to breed specific needs, unless it is a schnauzer.

The trick to dieting is to feed the dog LESS, say 1/2 - 2/3 cup of food per day and to increase his exercise. If he doesn't retrieve, teach him to do that and throw his favorite toy for him numerous times; take him walking a couple times a day. Do anything to get him moving. Get him to swim if you are in a warmer area. Throw out ALL your treats... they are all garbage anyway. Set some of his kibble aside in the morning and only use that for his treats throughout the day. At the end of the day, all his food will be eaten. This DOES work; I have dieted many rescue dogs over the years (and a couple of my own on occasion). I myself have lost 50# using this technique (fewer calories and more exercise); it is quite effective.