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Chocolate lab.

19 11:13:25

dog info:
Age, 5 years old.
Sex, female.
And yes she is spayed.

My lab has been licking her paws a lot. I'm not sure if it is normal.

She also maybe twice a month she gets this weird breathing almost like its hard to breath? maybe like shes coughing. I'm not sure. But is that normal?

Also do i need to groom her regularly? what brushes are good. shampoos etc.
She also has terrible breath. almost like.. fishy. brushing her teeth does not help. anything you know that helps?

Sorry for so many questions.

''My lab has been licking her paws a lot. I'm not sure if it is normal.''

It could be an allergy, boredom, or even side walk salt irritating them.  Start by rinsing them with clear, tepid water after walks on salt.  

''She also maybe twice a month she gets this weird breathing almost like its hard to breath? maybe like shes coughing. I'm not sure. But is that normal?''

I don't think so.  Try to ask the vet the next time you are in.  

''Also do i need to groom her regularly? what brushes are good. shampoos etc.''

I seldom if ever bathe a dog.  Brush her regularly with a soft bristled brush.  When she sheds badly, switch to a wire slicker brush.  See

''She also has terrible breath. almost like.. fishy. brushing her teeth does not help. anything you know that helps?''

If you are giving her fish oil capsules, quit.  If her skin and coat really needs more oil, try a corn based liquid cooking oil.  If they would actually chew it, a dry chow would scrape bad breath causing tartar off their teeth.  You may need to have the vet clean them.