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Pee-Pad training

19 9:45:59

I have adopted a 1 year old dog from Ginger's Pet Rescue in Seattle, WA. He is potty trained to go outside which is amazing! However, I live in an apartment building and it is a pain going in and out all day. I am also a full time student and occasionally need to be gone for long periods of time. How can I get him to start going on a pee-pad? I do have a patio and a doggy door is soon to be installed, this is where I plan to keep the pad.

Thank you!

Hi Shannon;
Best thing is to contain him in a small area, like a bathroom laying down wall to wall pee pads...then take them out a bit at a time till he looks for the one pee pad.
Will take about two weeks of training!
Best wishes,
Best thing is to get him outside asap!!!