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boxer is dead!!!!

19 9:42:19

Our American Boxer suffered from something before finally passing this morning.  His symptoms included moderate hair loss, mainly on the latter half of hi body. Weakness, lethargy, confusion, sores on his shoulders and a general tenderness throughout his body. There was a lot of blood in his stool in the hours prior to his death. Please I need help, I have 2 other dogs that lived in close proximity to this boxer. They are not showing any symptoms but I am getting worried.

Dear Jessica,

Thank you for writing to me.  I am soooooo sorry for your loss.  You must be feeling so terrible.  I lost a boxer last year and it broke my heart.  I also lost my precious girl last year as well.  They are with us so briefly..never long enough. Their love and energy stay with us forever.

There are many diseases and conditions that can be explained by what you have described. I wonder what your vet says about the symptoms leading up to your dog's death?  Can you have an autopsy done on your dog?  That would tell you exactly what he died of and help prevent any of your other dogs from suffering from the same condition.  

Work closely with your vet to determine the cause of death and how it can be prevented in the future.  There is no way to tell the exact cause without a detailed history, blood work and physical examination.

Again, I am terribly sorry for your loss.

Shelley Davis