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Our Puppy What to feed him

18 17:24:29

WE have a Jack Russell Terrier that is 4 months old. We started him on Eukanuba Puppy formula Growth for medium dogs. He is now starting to turn his nose up to it. When I asked the vet he told me that it was his teeth & that I should wet the food & make it soft. He still is turning his nose up to it. Someone had suggested Natures' Recipe & Royal Canine. I just want the best food for him. Can you please help me in finding the best food for him.

Thank you,
Rita Marie

Hi Rita,

Yes, I agree that the Eukanuba is not the best quality food out there. There are however many higher quality products available now.

I'm not a huge fan of the two you mentioned, but I do like all of these:
small dog growth

NB Ultra Premium

There are other good ones, too - these are just my top picks for premium foods. Can you find any of them nearby?
All the best, Catherine