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Average age of housebreaking

20 9:43:52

I have a 5 month old lab. She is third in my life thus far, but it has a long time since I had a puppie.  She has not had a bowel movement accident in the house in over a month.  But every 3rd night or so, she soaks her crate. She will also pee in the house.  No bladder infection and I'm limiting her water...especially at night.  She gets two 3 mile walks a day, plus playtime with one of us in the yard several times a day.  I'm guessing this is an issue of bladder control...but I'm beginning to wonder.  At what age is a lab usually completely housebroken?

At 5 months, she should be well beyond accidents in the crate at night.  Mine have seldom had any after 2 months.  What you may to do is take her out on lead just before bed time, and make her walk until she does empty her bladder.  Sometimes a dog will go outside and just sit, and then come inside without eliminating.  You can take the water dish up as early as 7 PM.