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Puppy teeth

20 9:39:26

My 8 month old lab started teething around 5 months i noticed the last teeth to go were the fangs one fang turned a black/brown color the other stayed white, the white one fell out first and the new one came through.She has both adult fangs but the black/brown one is still there its pushed to the front of new fang, its loose but is still connected to gum, is it rotten or whats wrong do you know? its been 2 months at least. Should it not have fallen out by now its been loose for ages.

Hi Sarah,

I cannot comment on the reason - i would have liked to see the tooth myself.

Though i am not a vet, but chances are that the tooth is a milk tooth that has not been able to detach itself. This is not a usual situation and i suggest you take your lab to the vet ASAP.

Is she able to eat properly? Does she stay dull or low and tends to sleep a lot? Is she aggressive while playing? If you see any change from the ordinary - I strongly recommend take him to your vet. Don't waste any time - go today itself.

The unattached tooth is either decaying - in which case it may be paining your pup. If its his permanent tooth that has caught decay - then the vent will try to either remove it or maybe even refill any cavity.

But in either case - 2 months is a long time for this. Consult your Vet immediately.
