Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > male puppy with nipples ????

male puppy with nipples ????

20 8:59:48

I just purchased a 3 mth old great dane puppy he is a male but has nipples all up his belly is this a normal thing for great danes ??? i know i have never seen it on any other breed of dog ive owned before .... if its not any suggestions on why this would happen and what i can do to fix it ....


All male dogs have nipples, just like female dogs. Usually 8-10 nipples is normal. This is for both male and female and almost every breed. Although you may have not seen nipples on the other dogs you owned, I assure you they were there.

You don't need to do anything to fix it, this is just how the dogs are born.

Hope this answers your question.