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pee time is play time

19 18:02:15

Hi, I have a 12-week old golden. When he first came home he was very well behaved. He even knew to get us up at night when he had to go to the bathroom. But it seems the longer he is in our house, the more he tries to test the limits. The biggest problem is he waits by the door when he wants to go out to pee, but he now knows that waiting by the door is also a free ticket to go outside so he 'fakes us out' sometimes and goes out just to play. How can we stop this behavior without undoing his house training?

Im gonna anwer short becuause i have alot to study for school. You could just open the back door so he can go outside whenever he wants. If you dont like that idea, notice his bathroom patterns and in what intervels he needs to go. Then if he just went, and he waits again, just dont open the door. I would let him out because dogs need fresh air.