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Jumping on us and chewing

19 18:02:17

I need help bad.  I am at the point of giving my sons dog away.  He is 6 months old and 40 pounds. We have raised him from a puppy.  I can not keep him from jumping on me or my son, and he wants to bite at us while he is jumping.  My son can not get him off of him.  I have to knock him off of him.  and sometimes I can'y get him off of me. My son won't come outside anymore, but he wants his dog.

Well you could try to take obedience classes. They will help you teach your dog to not jump on you or your son. HEre is a quick lesson. Whenever your dog jumps on you or your son, dont scold or yell at him. Simply show him a treat and say sit. When he sits reward him and pet him with alot of praise. As for the biting. Its not really biting, its nipping. He does that to show that he loves you. Whenever he nipps at your hand, close his muzzle firmly (not squeeze!) and say " NO BITING". Eventually he will stop. BE CONSISTENT, AND PATIENT. Giving your puppy away might drive your puppy into deppression from seperation. Giving him a way should be the last thing you want. Unless your son is too young to take care of your dog and train him. Try reading books on dog behavior and training. Trust me, im 14 and i train and take care of my golden Max. THese are very easy to solve problems, so dont take fast dicisions. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask. I would like to aid you in having the best canine companion.