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11 week old male

19 18:01:50

We are about to start our 3rd week together.  We are currently dealing with teething and house training.  He is learning quickly to do his business outside, when he has to go he moves to the door and waits. However if he gets too excited while playing he will just stop and go inside, no sniffing, nothing.  He gets plenty of exercise, 1-2 hikes(1-3 hrs total) and lots of walks a day, how can I control his urges, and keep him a little calmer when playing?

Although I am a strong believer in watching the puppy and learning to read its signs of needing to go out, there is a place for taking the puppy out.  After a period of active play when they are still quite young, you may need to take them out as a preventative measure.  They are having too good of a time to notice or stop and go to the door.