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new onset fear of my husband

19 17:27:39

My husband and I adopted our female shepherd in March from a shelter.  We believe that she is about 16 months old.  
When we first got her, we were told by the people that we got her from (they had adopted her from a shelter about 5 months before) that she was scared of the man of the house and would not even come to him for food.  And she was scared all the time.
We are pretty sure that she was abused by her original owners, she has a scar across her snout, and she ran away which is what got her in the shelter. She is very well behaved, knows basic commands such as sit, down, and come, and heels when she walks.  She is well socialized to other dogs, and my brother's 4 month old puppy comes to play with her all the time.
She was great with us at first, and would play all the time.  It was obvious that I was her #1, but she was still OK with my husband.  But, in the last month or so, that has completely changed.  It really seems to be once she has gotten to know someone, she is cautious, but fine with any other man that comes into the house.
Now, she will not play when my husband is home, but plays like crazy when he isn't.  She hides in the laundry room when he is around, and will visibly shake sometimes if he will have her come into the room with him or if he goes to pet her.  She will not eat her meals if my husband is in the house unless I sit in the laundry room with her while she eats.  Any time she thinks my husband is anywhere near, she will either cower in the laundry room or hide by me.  She pretty much does not leave my side if  around.  For instance, in the mornings, if my husband wakes up to go to work on a day I have off (I only work 3 days a week), she will not move off her bed on my side of the room until he leaves for work, but within minutes of him leaving, she is waking me up and ready to go outside and play.
For the last few days she has actually been better with him at night, actually allowing him to pet her, and we have been taking her Frisbee golfing with us, and she has been having a blast running through the tall grass around the course.  We cannot decide if it is because I am there, or if she is actually starting to maybe warm up to him
We take her for a lot of walks, and I take her for a 4 mile run about 3 times a week.  My days off are very focused on her and playing with her because she doesn't get much time to play since he is home in the evenings and on the weekends.  We are currently feeding her 3 times a day because she was under weight when we got her, and she is getting rescue remedy in her meals.  I guess my biggest question there something more we should or should not be doing?  Do you have any suggestions for how we can try to help her get over this fear?

Your husband is a primate and may be giving all wrong canine messages.  Looking her in the eye, smiling, and trying to pet the top of her head are all wrong.  

The food is a good idea, but Shepherds are not as food motivated as many breeds.  Have him sit on the floor and offer her treats while not looking directly at her or having his hand above her head.  Don't expect to much change very soon.  It will take time.