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bichon coat matting

19 15:09:39

my bichon Dougal is 10 months his coat is now really thick and lovely.  he has a very active lifestyle.  walks in the mountains and on the beach etc so his coat is getting dirtier quicker and harder to maintain  especially around his pee pee.  his coat has started to mat.  he is not book for his next prof groom for another three weeks and i do not want to get his coat cut short.  is there a de matting spray which is really effective.

There are many that you can use, but the most important part is the daily combing , always use a spray to dampen the coat first this is what I do
add cris cristensen silk oil (20 drops) to 250 ml warm water
add cowboy magic detangler to the mix 25ml
mix together and apply lightly via a spray to the coat before combing, it eases out tats and stops dirt from accumulating.
You are not the only one who has these issues I saw some show dogs at UK Toy this week in a really matted state not Frise but part of that group.

You can cut back the coat around his willy for hygiene reasons.