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Bichon and companionship

19 15:17:39

When I purchased my Bichon I was well aware of the fact that he required a great deal of time when it came to companionship.  My husband and I both work 8 hrs per day.  I come home everyday for lunch.  I spend approximately a good 30 minutes with him on these lunch hours.  If I cannot make it home, my husband comes home.  During the 30 minutes he is walked, fed, and he takes care of his business.  Everynight he is with us.  Every weekend he is right there with us.  We take him everywhere we possibly can on the weekend.  To make a long story short, I just read an article that says that Bichons who are left alone for long periods of time, do not fully thrive.  I simply started crying because I know that he spends approximately 7.50 hrs alone(3.50 hrs in the morning and 4 hrs in the afternoon.  My question, you being the expert, do you really feel this schedule may be adversely affecting him somehow?  Any suggestions as to how I can make the 7.50 hours more stimulating for him?  If you have any additional questions of me before you answer, please send me an email.  Thank you so much.

If your gone all day and he has not issues don't worry about it.  Your lucky.  If you cannot housebreak him and he is getting back at you by going in the house then he is not doing well home alone all day.  Nothing will replace human campionship.
