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Crating Bichon Frise

19 15:09:58

QUESTION: I have an 8 year old Bichon Frise X (I think with a poddle).  I adopted him from the SPCA.  I crate him at night but just recently he is whining at night.  He gets walked three times day and gets lots of love.  Is there something wrong?  As well I have been told that I should crate Wendel (my dog) during the day.  He is by himself for around 8 hours.  I do have a person come in to walk him?  I am unsure of what to do?  Please help if you can.  Thanks

ANSWER: Hi Debbie, well because of the age of the doggy and he is a rescue I would be cautious about the length of time he is crated, please try to keep it to minimum as he may get distressed, afterall we dont know his circumstances before he came to you. However, if you do this slowly with lots of compassion he will be fine and reward you so very much. In his crate place a warn water bottle and a nice soft blanket, even go to the extent of a clock wrapped up as this will comfort him alot.
Is there some reason why the two boys are not together in a crate for comfort and bonding ?

Yes Wendel should be crated but not for that long try to break it up with his sitter or walker.
Always use a radio in the background and put one toy inside the crate so the dogs dont get too bored, cover the crate on 3 sides with a light cotton cover to allow air to circulate , this tends to give the dog a feeling of safety and security, it also helps the doggy think its a den.

If you would like to chat to other owners doing this feel free to log into my website which is free to join.

and good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm sorry I mislead you, I only have the one dog Wendel.  Wendal doesn't play with toys although I try to get him to.  As well I am getting mixed messages from the vet and the pet store in regards to diet.  Wendal tends to gain weight easily and is always hungry.  Even though he gets walked often.  The vet has suggested Medacal weight loss food, the first ingredient listed is corn the second chicken meal. Right now I feed Wendal dog food  1/2 c in the morning, and I make up his dinner with healthy human food, chicken, vegetables, potatoes or rice.  It seems no matter what I feed him he is always hungry.  What would you suggest.

OK sorry I misundersttod you, if the dog isnt being exercised he will gain weight due to high calorie intake, I cannot go over the advice your vet has given but I can state categorically that IMO his advice is not how I as an experienced breeder and animal therapist , behaviourist and trainer see it. I would tend to use a natural diet with foods like raw minced meats, carrot batons, apple slices, cucumber, vegetables (that are applicable remember not all are good for dogs)Fish like cooked salmon, mackeral, oily fish in general, meaty bones raw never cooked,
meats such as lamb, chicken,beef (only good cuts)turkey, liver (once per month only) hearts, kidney, cheek, tongue ,trotters, chicken wings raw only.

For more advice please go to my site and log in (it is free) and read the advice we give in full

Bichons are not good on a dried diet as they lean towards stones, struvites and crystals , dry foods are also high in fats and saturated fats, hardly conducive to a healthy diet,