Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > food allergies

food allergies

19 15:09:25

my bichon has food allegies, i having to buy some high price dog which is very costly that didn,t work all the time.  is there receipts that i can cook my dog food and what can i feed them her

I would place the dog on an elimination diet and over 3 weeks find exactly what she isnt tolerating.
Start by giving her omega 3,6,9 and fish oils in her diet daily as these tend to assist the immune system into accepting more foods and stops itching and constant licking often found with an allergy or intolerance.

Ground oatmeal should be used, mashed potatoes and salmon , can be used to start with for 3 weeks, give her some green beans, garden peas and a slice of apple and or pear, watch how she reacts , keep a log of the food and her reaction. Must be done over 3 weeks minimum as the change may result in softer stools which will settle during those 3 weeks.
Then you can add 1 food item per day to see if she is ok always log the food and her reaction.