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peeing in house

19 15:09:25

i have a 11 month old bichon who would never go outside to use the bathroom, he has always gone on puppy pads since i've had him at 12 wks old. he has just now started to want to go for walks to use the bathroom. he has started to urinate anywhere in the house. he will still at times go on his puppy pad. how often shoul i be takening him out side. i was once told from a pet store to put a used pad outside to show him that's where he goes. please if u have any ideas to help i would greatly love to hear them.

Hello LuAnn
He is in what is developmentally referred to as the teenage years, imagine he is a teenage boy wanting to find his way in the world and this is exactly why he is feeling an urge to wander off and do his thing. Suggest taking him for walks outside and allowing him to scent the area in which he lives, male dogs need to mark their territory to deter other males from challenging their authority.
The dog needs a secure area outside and he should be walking 30 mins daily at least and be spending time in the garden getting to know the outside world.
The pad can be taken outside to begin with just to make him feel less vulnerable but in reality there should not be a need for them to be being used at 11 months of age.