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1 yr.old Bichon new to us, pooping in house

19 15:12:20

We just adopted a 1 year old female Bichon. We are her 3rd owner. Last owner told us she was potty trained. We take her out, and she comes in and poops on the carpet. She has gone outside, so we know she knows how. Is it stress changing to a new home? Anything else we should be doing? She is fully crate trained.
Thank you

Crate training is more involved than sleeping, 3 owners in her life poor girl, i think she is feeling quite insecure. Please give her time, she needs to adjust , yes its hard, yes its frustrating, but hey she will reward you with so much love once she is settled.
When she is let out of her crate simply take her outside, she will do it, tell her how good she is, more importantly is not to shout if she gets it wrong.
I have in depth articles here and on my health site that you should read.
Just stick with it x