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Back Legs

19 15:17:03

I have just bought a Bichon Frise of 9 weeks old. When it walks it seems to waddle on it's back legs and can't stand for very long. Please can you tell me if this is normal.  

At such a tender age it could be simply lack of muscle due to being confined in a small area for too long. If the puppy is slightly overweight it will not be able to sustain its weight and it will tumble about.
However there is a condition called patella luxation that is very prevalent in all small breeds, the bichon being one that has been affected of late.
The knee as you move it about should feel rigid ask the vet to check the patella on both rear legs .
If no pain is associated with the condition the dog can live with it well, but if pain is associated the vet will grade the problem and thus advise if surgery is necessary.
For more on this condition and help bringing up the little one please feel free to join my site

Its totally free and will show you lots about the breed that many breeders dont tell you.
Good luck