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My bichon looks creme not white,

19 15:12:12

I just got my Bichonfrom a woman who said she was selling them for a friend so i wasnt able to see her perents. She wasnt trimmed yet and appeared white, after shaving her down she appears more creme and her ears are turning almost a dark tan, i used spray peroxide and a bath whitener and nothings changed, its her whole body not just down her back. Could she be a mut or is this normal? She looks like other bichons ive seen but im not sure, i thought they were only white from lack of color pigmentation, why is she creme?

You do not say how old she is, but from what you wrte I assume under 18months old. Peachy colouration is quite normal averaging about 10% but no more, common places are ears, back and chest. This should go by the time the dog is 18 months of age, you will also notice some piebald markings on the skin , this too is normal