Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > Dog chewing on paws

Dog chewing on paws

19 15:11:57

My female has chewed on her paws to until she bleeds.  Nothing has changed in her environment.  I haven't noticed any fleas.  How can I tell if it is mites, and what do I look for?  Could some of this have to do with stress?  I put Neosporin on her paws, but one of them is severly swollen and this has happened just in the last 24 hours.

Please go to
Kimmie has my natural products that will put an end to these problems

also look at

we have advice about these issues.

Take the dog off all dried foods and start a raw food diet this helps many dogs with these problems
Dont use any scented grooming products or hot driers.

Do not wash in any other shampoo other than neem oil shampoo available from bichon hotel

if you stick to these suggestions the dog will be so much better very quickly.