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Crying All Night

19 15:10:10

I just purchased a 10-week old male bichon from a breeder.  He is an absolute delight during the day and at night he goes into his crate and all is well until about 4 am when he starts crying.  I take him outside to pee and then put him back in his crate and that's when the trouble begins.  He screams and paws at the cage for hours on end.  He does this whether the crate is right next to my bed or downstairs in the living room.  He doesn't ever stop crying and normally has diarrhea right in the crate which he then steps in, so I have to bathe him  Help!

This will abate in time just be patient, I would always advise placing a cover over the crate for 3/4 of it, this usually settles the dog much quicker.

This is my website if you need to chat with other owners who have gone through this very same issue,

Good luck and very best wishes