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Staining from licking

19 15:16:43

My Bijon, Blueberry, licks his front legs and paws. They are now stained a red/brown from this. I have tried tear clear, but the area is so big this does not seem to work. Have you any suggestions please

Hi there well we must begin with the cause of the licking. This is likely to be an allergy so I would start an elimination diet and see what Blueberry is allergic too. Personally feel it will be wheat corn etc .So take off all dried dog foods and give him a raw food diet either a commercial one like bravofoods (USA)or prizechoice(UK)give alot of essential fatty acids omega 3,6,9 also give him white fish, green beans, mashed potatoes etc, increase fibre in his diet and also suggest giving cranberry tablets daily.

Now the staining the only product that will rid him of this is Angels Glow a USA product . Its not cheap but it is effective for all staining.

if you want further help feel free to use our bichons health site at anytime
