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Bichon Frise tearing

19 15:16:44

Fred is 7 years old.  Most gentle dog we've ever had.  Was adopted when he was 8 months old.  After all this time, we can't break him of lifting his leg on furniture.  Help.  Has started tear staining.  What to do, please.  Wonderful in every other way.

Hi there Fred sounds a real gem. Well its really quite simple  with 14 dogs I need to assert control over were they pee so here is what I do and in over 30 years of dogs its never failed me .

Firstly dont bother with castration it doesnt help that much ,if he is already done then hey I guess you know that LOL

When ever you see him about to do it shout NO , walk him outside or too a litter tray like the ones cats have , line it with a wee pad available from any pet store then show him that is the only acceptable place for him to do it.

Even at his age it will take about two months of continual NO and redirection to allow him to get it right.

Also buy a Pee post from pet store place outside and direct him to that they are scented to attract the dog to use it and They are effective.

Tear stains are really easy to erradicate just buy some angels glow and use a directed daily.In less than 1 month they will be GONE...

For a really great way to use it log into my site lots of tips on how to get Fred looking like a show dog in a few easy cheap steps.

Good Luck