Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > walking


19 15:08:39

How can I stop my 1 yr old bichon Frise from pulling when she walks ? She only pulls when she sees another person or animal & is stubborn to go the other way. We walk her with a harness right now. is there another type of collar we can use to train her not to pull ?

a halti is fine but the collar is simply semantics, do this, use a short lead on normal collar , as she walsk stop her by gently pulling back as she moves past your toes, at the same time say in a stern voice STOP WAIT.
Once she responds say good girl walk on and walk her, if she pulls again each time repeat the process even its just one step at a time.
Its all about being consistent and repeating the action until it clicks in her head and it dosnt take long.