Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > constant itching; scratching; red where biting; losing hair around the area

constant itching; scratching; red where biting; losing hair around the area

19 15:11:58

my mom has had a bichon for the last 8yrs; it seems like this time of yr.(aug) cesar starts having this trouble. u mentioned the breeding could b a problem; why is that??? i went on another web-site and they said this is a common trait in this breed; skin problems; maybe allergies. my mom is constantly taking him to the vet; gets cream or shot but never goes away. help!!!!

common problems only happen when the advice given by stupid breeders and owners becomes available.

Old wives tales are not how one should approach any health problem, but the reality is that many breeders rely on spinning yarns to make themselves look good. Here however the advice given is based upon recent science trends and facts, breeding experience , not just 1 litter in 10 years and the treatment of animals daily in our health centre.

If the itching only happens during August then it is an allergy, as such maybe antihistamine given by vet is best initial way forward. then I suggest changing the diet to a more natural one, this helps repair the immune system.

Then only wash in neem oil shampoo available from
so if it is a skin problem like mites , dandruff, etc this shampoo will resolve it very quickly.

for more info please go to my website

we have vets, owners, breeders, carers, etc all helping each other to enjoy their pets.

You asked about breeding:
Many genetic problems are passed on and allergies ARE genetically inherited .