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Bichon chewing his paws

19 15:12:22

My bichon puppy has just started chewing his hind paws to the point of bleeding, I have an appointment with my vet for next week but any ideas in the meantime, it is distressing to watch - is this an allergy, or mites?

could be either, get some Ch-ears (
and dab paws into a little, this will kill off the mites and stop the itching.

If its an allergy you must ascertain what food or atopic substance is causing it, it could be air freshner, carpet freshner, tinnes dog food, dry dog food.
Take the dog off all food and start by giving one item at a time over a week , increase over 3 weeks to see which food it could be.
Usual culprits are casein, chicken especially prepared from supermarket ones, occasionally beef, eggs, soy, corn, maize,
try giving fish and mashed potatoes with peas or \green beans for a couple of weeks.

Also it is possible to give 1/2 a benadryl to help stop the itching.

Also wash her pads in either epsom salts or oilatum  all available from chemists.