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skin irritation

19 15:10:07

My 2 year old is plagued with skin irritation and sores.  I have had to numerous vets, and he has been treated with antibiotics, sprays, etc.  I was told that it maybe an allergy causing it, I have him on a special food, but we live in a rural area, and fleas are a constant fight.  I bath him often with medicated shampoo and try to keep him flea free, but I was told it was actually from the flee saliva.  Do you have any suggestions?

Sorry for delay in answering , the system didnt tell me you were here.
Simple solution would be start a natural diet, available from most pet stores. Then contact my supplier

Kim will send you out some of my own brand shampoo, it should sort this issue within 3 weeks, but then you will need to keep using it.

Good luck